Tag Archives: NTRW

Dender And Light

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Now it’s all systems go to KMT.

Better to reconnect with the God (NTR, ntr, neteru, NTRW, gods, goddess) you knew from ancient times, than to cling to the new God that cursed and continue to curse you.


In the beginning, God summoned all the lesser gods, asking each in turn what they could provide for mankind who were about to be made. They all replied; with the Sun saying ‘I will shine upon them in the day time, the Moon promised to give light after. Saturn offered Penal Justice and Necessity. Jupiter offered peace for them so they would not be utterly destroyed by wars. Mars said he was already father of Struggle, Anger and Strife. Venus offered Love, Pleasure and Laughter. Mercury offering Intelligence
said “I will make known to them the truth and confer wisdom on them. Continue reading

Prophecies of Tehuti

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The Prophecies of Hermes (Tehuti)

Pure philosophy is spiritual striving, through constant contemplation to attain True Knowledge of Atum the One –God. But, speaking now in prophecy, I say that in times to come, no one will pursue philosophy with single-mindedness and purity of heart. Those with a grudging and ungenerous temperament will try and prevent men discovering the priceless gift of immortality. Philosophy [Spirituality] will become confused, making it hard to comprehend. It will be corrupted by spurious speculation. It will be entangled with bewildering sciences like arithmetic, music and geometry.

The student of pure philosophy studies the sciences not as fanciful theories, but as devotion to Atum – because they reveal a universe perfectly ordered by the power of number; because measuring the depth of the sea and forces of fire and magnitude of physical things leads to a reverent awe at the Creator’s skill and wisdom; because the mysteries of music bear witness to the unsurpassed talent of the Supreme Artist who has beautifully harmonized all things into a single Whole, suffused with sweet melodies. Continue reading

More THT


By J. Hill

Tehuti (Thoth, Djehuty, Tahuti, Tetu) was one of the earlier Egyptian gods. He was popular throughout Egypt, but was particularly venerated in Khnum (Hermopolis Magna) where he was worshipped as part of the Ogdoad. As the power of his cult grew, the myth was rewritten to make Tehuti the creator god. According to this variant, Tehuti (with His head in the form of an ibis, one of his sacred animals) laid an egg from which Ra (Atum, Nefertum, or khepri) was born.

Other myths suggest that Tehuti created himself through the power of language (compare the phrase in the Gospel according to St John “in the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”). His song was thought to have created eight deities of the Ogdoad (the gods Nun, Heh, Kuk and Amun and the goddesses Nunet, Hauhet, Kuaket and Amaunet).

The moon and the sun were initially thought of as the left and right eyes of Heru (Horus). Continue reading


Imagine similară

A very well known image of Tehuti, the ibis headed Black man.

Name in Medu Neter


Major spiritual center: Khmun
Symbol: The papyrus scroll
Parents: None, thought to be self created, around the same time as Ma’at
Consort: Ma’at, Seshat

Tehuti (also Djehuti), the lord of Khemmenu, self created, to whom non had given birth, is the Neter responsible for teaching the world to write and record information with the Medu Neter system. From many Funerary texts, it’s known that Tehuti was the Neter of all the arts and sciences, that he was the “lord of books,” and the “scribe of the Neteru”, and “Mighty in speech”.

Early information

From the Pyramid Texts it’s known that Tehuti was in service to deceased kings. His service was eagerly awaited by the by the souls waiting to join the realm of the Ancestors. People waited for him because it was with him that Ma’at weighed their heart against their past actions. Continue reading

NTRt NebtHet

Nephthys – Musée du Louvre, Paris, France


Nephthys (NebtHet) is a member of the Great Ennead of Heliopolis in Egyptian mythology, a daughter of Nut and Geb. At the time of the Fifth Dynasty Pyramid Texts, Nephthys appears as a goddess of the Heliopolitan Ennead. She is the sister of Isis and companion of the war-like deity, Set. As sister of Isis and especially Osiris, Nephthys is a protective goddess who symbolizes the death experience, just as Isis represented the (re-)birth experience.

Nephthys is a Greek epithet, transliterated as Nebet-het, and Nebt-het, from Egyptian hieroglyphs. The literal translation of her name is usually given as “Lady of the House,” which has caused some to mistakenly identify her with the notion of a “housewife,” or as the primary lady who ruled a domestic household. This is a pervasive error repeated in many commentaries concerning this deity. Her name means quite specifically, “Lady of the [Temple] Enclosure” which associates her with the role of priestess. Continue reading

Live Dark Matter

By Metaphysics, 2009 [Notes added by 7M.]


Melanin in its most concentrated form is black (Kemet). KEM means black (KEMet) It is black because its chemical (KEM) structure will not allow any energy to escape once that energy has come in contact with it. This gives us an insight on Dark Stars and Black Matter.

It actually is not as “cosmic” as you might think. [Most] of the universe is what we previously thought of as a vacuum, as “outer space”. We now know, and I am quoting mainstream science, that this “outer space” even exists in the “inner space” of all things and we call it Dark Matter.

Think of what we were taught in school about atoms. All things are composed of atoms. Within the atom, you find electrons, neutrons, and protons… but, most of what you find is the same stuff you find in most of the Universe… Dark Matter. Some kind of stuff, some kind of matter, which is everywhere, and in everything. [This] “thing”‘ which is omnipresent (everywhere) and omnipotent (can not be created or destroyed). And, it is based on a structure which science has given the same name that the sages of ancient Kemet used to refer to the Creator… Atom. Continue reading

Book of Am-Tuat – Chapter 8

Book of Am-Tuat
From Sacred Texts


THE scene that illustrates the EIGHTH DIVISION Of the Tuat, which is passed through by the Sun-god during the EIGHTH HOUR of the night, is introduced by four lines of text which read:–

“The Majesty of this great god taketh up its place in the Circles of the hidden gods who are on their sand, and he addresseth to them words in his boat whilst the gods tow him along through this City by means of the magical powers of the serpent MEHEN. The name of the gate of this City is AHA-AN-URT-NEF. The name of this City is TEBAT-NETERU-S. The name of the Hour of the night which guideth this great god is NEBT-USHA.”

The Circles of this Division are thus described:–

“The hidden Circles of Ament which are passed through by the great god, his boat being towed along by the gods who dwell in the Tuat; let them be made according to the figures [which are depicted] on the north of the hidden palace in the Tuat. Whosoever knoweth them by their names shall be the possessor of swathings upon earth, and he shall not be repulsed at the hidden gates, and he shall have offerings in very great abundance regularly and perpetually.” Continue reading

NTR Seker

Alternate Names/Spellings: Sacharis, Seger, Seker, Sokare, Sokaris

Seker is a falcon god of the Memphite necropolis. Seker is a god of Absolute Death, Darkness, and Plants. In art, Seker usually appears as a mummified, hawk-headed man holding a scepter, crook, and flail. He may also appear as a man holding a knife in each hand.

Although the meaning of the name was unclear, it derived from the word “skr” which means “cleaning the mouth”, the act of separating the Ba (the soul) from the Ka (the body) mentioned in the Coffin Texts. This was said to be enabled by the funerary ceremony after death.Another theory suggest that the name comes from one of the Pyramid Texts phrase “Sy-k-ri” or “hurry to me”, which was the cry for help uttered by Osiris to Isis, in the underworld. It was also suggested that it means, “the adorned one”. Seker was given many titles such as “he of Rosetau”, “lord of the Continue reading

NTRt Bast

Bast-Wadjet copyright Sully

Bast / Bastet

Bastet Bast

Bast op Bastet (to emphasise that the “t” was to be pronounced) was generally thought of as a cat goddess. However, she originally had the head of a lion or a desert sand-cat [=panther] and it was not until the New Kingdom that she became exclusively associated with the domesticated cat. Even then she remained true to her origins and retained her war-like panther aspect. She personified the playfulness, grace, affection, and cunning of a cat as well as the fierce power of a lioness.

She was also worshiped all over Kemet, but her rule was centered on her temple at Bubastis in the eighteenth nome of Kemet. Bubastis was the capital of the province, and a number of rulers included the Bastet in their throne names. Continue reading

Metu Neter – 3. Law of Seker

Seker-Ausar - WikiLaw of Seker

When the emotions of Man manifest in response to the Word of God, they have the power to influence the course of any and all events in the world.

If we have access to God’s spiritual power through the cultivation of the ability to be at peace in situations of difficulties, why give in to anger, fear, lust, etc.? Why shouldn’t we be at peace in the face of difficulties?

Seker Truisms:
– I understand that God has saved us by sharing Its spiritual power with us. I know I will successfully develop these powers because I have no problem Continue reading