Tag Archives: Moon

Latter Bloody Moon

Is it not nice how some put in the work for those who simply cannot find the time to do it? If you missed the Last Bloody Moon, then have no worry. Some great pics only a click away.

Well, the page is still downloading, but I am sure my server will be ready to show them any minute now…

From http://twistedsifter.com/2015/09/photos-of-the-super-mega-ultra-blood-moon-eclipse-that-you-probably-didnt-see/

Rahu and Ketu

Rahu & Ketu
By C. Hartley, 1997

According to the Sanskrit epic poem, the Mahabharata, the Hindu gods decided to mix up a batch of soma, the elixir of immortality. The gods were to drink the elixir to become immortal. The gods needed help from the demons to stir up the oceans to produce the elixir.

Out of the churning oceans the Sun, Moon, many goddess, and magic things were produced along with the soma. Vishnu took charge of distributing the freshly made soma to the gods but while it was being passed out the demons started battling with the gods for a taste of the elixir and in the confusion one of the demons, Rahu, disguised himself as a god and drank some of the elixir. Continue reading

Bloody Full Moon Eclipse

The phases of a total lunar eclipse. Saturday's eclipse will see the briefest totality in a century. Credit: Keith Burns / NASA

Don’t Blink! April 4th Lunar Eclipse Shortest of the Century
By Bob King, March 31, 2015

Get ready for one awesome total lunar eclipse early Saturday morning April 4th. For the third time in less than a year, the Moon dips into Earth’s shadow, its dazzling white globe turning sunset red right before your eyes.  All eclipses are not-to-miss events, but Saturday’s totality will be the shortest in a century. Brief but beautiful – just like life. Read on to find out how to make the most of it.

Lunar eclipses don’t usually happen in any particular order. A partial eclipse is followed by a total is followed by a penumbral and so on. Instead, we’re in the middle of a tetrad, four total eclipses in a row Continue reading

Styx Moon

Pluto moon P5 discovery with moons' orbits.jpgStyx (Moon)

Styx is a small natural satellite of Pluto whose discovery was announced on 11 July 2012. It is the fifth confirmed satellite of Pluto and was found approximately one year after Kerberos, Pluto’s fourth confirmed satellite.

Styx was discovered by a team led by astronomer Mark R. Showalter, using fourteen sets of images taken between 26 June and 9 July 2012 by the Wide Field Camera 3 fitted to the Hubble Space Telescope.

Styx is about half as bright as the dimmest previously known object in the system, Kerberos, and about one hundred thousandth as bright as Pluto. It was designated S/2012 (134340) 1, and informally referred to as P5. Continue reading

Planets In Scorpio – 2

Scorpio Woman by SuddenJim - rbPlanets in Scorpio Part 2: Mars, Venus, and Moon
By Deecoleworld, 2014

In Planets in Scorpio Part 1, Ascendant and Mercury, I talked about Ascendant/Rising and Mercury in the sign of Scorpio. In this hub, Planets in Scorpio Part 2: Mars, Venus and Moon, I will be talking about mars, Venus, and moon in Scorpio. Again this does not specifically refer to the sun sign in Scorpio (some similarities may apply however).

Mars in Scorpio

Your Mars is in Scorpio, in the planet of action, sexuality/sexual expression, and energy. Mars in Scorpio is a fairly decent position for Mars to be in. Remember that Mars rules the sign of Aries, and was (or is, depending on who you ask) the Continue reading

Watch Solar Eclipse

Watch Solar Eclipse

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The Partial Solar Eclipse Over North America of October 2014

http://live.slooh.com /stadium/live/highlight-partial-solar-eclipse-2014

Watch the Moon Eat the Sun: The Partial Solar Eclipse on Thursday, Oct. 23
By Phil Plait, 2014

On the afternoon of Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun. What we’ll see is a partial solar eclipse, where the Moon passes along a chord of the Sun’s face, never completely blocking it out. At maximum eclipse the Sun will look like a thick crescent, the dark disk of the Moon moving across it. Continue reading

Total Lunar Eclipse – Blood Moon – October 8, 2014

Higher Density Blog

A total lunar eclipse will take place this Wednesday, October, 8, 2014.  East Asia and west U.S.A. will get a small glimpse of this as it takes place 6:52 AM EST; the center of the Pacific Ocean will get the best view as the map below displays:

A “Blood Moon” is going to be highly probable:

And note that Uranus and the Moon will be visible with a good telescope or pair of binoculars if one is in Hawaii at the time of the eclipse:

And here’s the horoscope of the eclipse relative to Washington D.C.:

Because the Moon can represent the people or population on a mundane basis (and Uranus represents unusual or rebellious tendencies (as well as technology and surprises)), the conjunction of the Moon and Uranus in the seventh house may represent “rebellious or unusual people” involved in a legal or a similar important confrontation standoff with “the leader” or “the state” (as…

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Another Most Super Moon

Moon to EarthWhat is a supermoon?
From Time and Date

The distance from moon to Earth varies throughout the month and year. On average the distance is about 238,000 miles (382,900 kilometers). During a month, when the moon is furthest away from Earth it’s called apogee, when the moon is closest to Earth it is called perigee. When the full moon coincides with being closest to Earth, or perigee, it is called a supermoon. Reversely, the term Micro Moon refers to a full moon that occurs when the moon is farthest from Earth, or apogee.

No universal definition Continue reading

Hunting the Bloody Moon

blood_moon_JRBlood Moons and Prophecy
By COGwriter, 2013

What is a blood moon?

A blood moon is also called a Hunter’s Moon. It is the first full moon after Harvest Moon. The Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox.

Basically the general definition of a ‘blood moon’ is when the moon appears reddish because of how light can appear. Lunar eclipses are not the only cause. Notice the following: Continue reading

Just In Time For the Eclipse

“[O]n Sunday November 3rd, we will have the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. Solar eclipses usually indicate new beginnings, new perspectives, and possibly sudden changes, all of which require an ending or death of something old to make way for the new. All this emotional disorder, confusion, and hasty change is not to be feared.”  Julianne Victoria

Solar Eclipse 2013 November: When and Where to Watch
By The Epoch Times

The solar eclipse in 2013, on November 3, is a rare one. The hybrid eclipse doesn’t happen often–only once this year. And the next solar eclipse won’t happen until April 2014.

People in numerous areas around the world will be able to see this eclipse. Some will even see a total eclipse.  Continue reading