Tag Archives: Earth

Water Hemisphere

Land and Water Hemispheres

Land and Water Hemispheres, 1891
From University of South Florida

Description: A double hemisphere map of the world from 1891 showing the earth’s Land Hemisphere and Water Hemisphere.

“The accumulation of the land in the north and its separation in the south lead to a curious result — nearly all the land is collected in one hemisphere. If one point of a pair of compasses be placed at the Continue reading

Van Allen Radiation Belt

Two giant belts of radiation surround Earth. The inner belt is dominated by electrons and the outer one by protons. Image courtesy of NASA

Earth’s radiation belt: Van Allen probes reveal ‘zebra stripes’ in space
From Science Daily, March 19, 2014

Scientists have discovered a new, persistent structure in one of two radiation belts surrounding Earth. NASA’s twin Van Allen Probes spacecraft have shown that high-energy electrons in the inner radiation belt display a persistent pattern that resembles slanted zebra stripes. Surprisingly, this structure is produced by the slow rotation of Earth, previously considered incapable of affecting the motion of radiation belt particles, which have velocities approaching the speed of light. Continue reading

Earth Plasma Shield

Plasma shield: Natural shield protects Earth from harmful radiation belt
From Science Daily, November 26, 2014

Researchers have found there’s a hard limit to how close ultrarelativistic electrons can get to the Earth. The team found that no matter where these electrons are circling around the planet’s equator, they can get no further than about 11,000 kilometers from the Earth’s surface — despite their intense energy.

High above Earth’s atmosphere, electrons whiz past at close to the speed of light. Such ultrarelativistic electrons, which make up the outer Continue reading

Sacred Stones

Sacred Stone Sites
Geomagnetic Energy Emissions at Sacred Stone Sites
By Jiro Olcott

Gilbert Le Cossec is a professional photographer who has spent many years developing techniques to capture images of Earth Energy emanating from sacred stones like Menhirs and Dolmens as well as old churches known to be built on top of megalithic sacred stone sites.   The technique he developed, in the category of electro-photography, enables him to capture on film, non-visible sections of the electromagnetic spectrum.  His technique is a development beyond the Kirlian photographic technique and is called Epiphanie. Continue reading

Praying to the Winds

Run away with me Michelle CurielAnemoi – Venti
From theoi.com

THE ANEMOI were the gods of the four directional winds–Boreas the North-Wind, Zephryos the West-Wind, Notos the South-Wind, and Euros the East-Wind. They were closely connected with the seasons : Boreas was the cold breath of winter, Zephyros the god of spring breezes, and Notos the god of summer rain-storms.

The Wind-Gods were represented as either winged, man-shaped gods, or horse-like divinities, which grazed the shores of the river Okeanos or were stabled in the caverns of Aiolos Hippotades, “the Horse-Reiner,” king of the winds. Continue reading

Naming the Wind

vortexWind – Definition
By wordiq.com

Classical wind names

In Greek mythology, the four winds were personified as gods. Roman writers gave them Latin names.

Note: the “north wind”, for example, is the wind that blows from the north, not towards it.

north wind                Boreas – Aquilo
south wind                Notos – Auster
east wind                  Euros – Eurus
west wind                 Zephyros – Favonius
north-west wind        Skiron or Skeiron – Caurus or Corus
north-east wind         Kaikias – Caecius
south-east wind        Apeliotus or Euros – Volturnus or Vulturnus
south-west wind        Lips or Livos – Africus or Afer ventus Continue reading

Metu Neter – 10. Law of Geb

GebLaw of Geb

Know that from heaven you came and to heaven you will return, seek not enduring works on earth.

Reasoning: Our physical nature is totally amenable to reprogramming. Since we have the laws and faculties to do so, why not dedicate the use of our will to program desirable ends in our lives—peace, happiness, health and prosperity?

METU NETER Vol. 1, Pg. 235

It has just begun to dawn […] on Western scientists that the manner in which the earth maintains the equilibrium in the fluxes, and utilization of water, heat, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and the myriad of substances necessary to maintain life, resembles so much the picture of the homeostatic functions in living creatures, that the science of geology is best redefined as physiology, and the earth looked at as a living entity. Continue reading

KMT – GEB (10) – Earth NTR



In Kemet, Geb was the NTR of the Earth and a member of the NTRW at Anu (Iunu).

As the earth, he is often seen reclining beneath his wife, NTRt Nut, the sky. Leaning on one elbow, with a knee bent toward the sky, this is representative of the mountains and valleys of the earth. Geb was believed to have originally been engaged in eternal union with his wife Nut, and had to be separated from her by Shu, god of the air. Consequently, in mythological depictions, Geb was shown as a man reclining, sometimes with his phallus still pointed towards Nut.

He is shown either as a dark brown or green man (the colors of life, the soil of the rivers and vegetation, respectively) with green patches or leaves on his skin. He could also be pictured with a goose (Geb or Seb) on his head. Continue reading

Much to the Wind

Raven DreamsHow Wind Direction, Speed, And Location Determine Wind Types & Wind Names
From weather.thefuntimesguide

Ever hear of westerly winds? Santa Ana winds? Chinook winds? Gale winds?

If any of these names ring a bell, it’s because these are wind names — different types of wind based on their location in the world, speed, as well as the general wind direction.

Meteorologists, scientists, and other observers of weather have given names to all types of weather phenomena.

Wind is one of those things meteorologists have studied for a long time. While wind is essentially a mass of moving air, it’s the wind direction, speed, and/or the location it’s coming from or going to that often decides the name for a certain type of wind. Continue reading

Catching the Wind

TornadoWind – Definition
From wordiq

Wind, in the most general sense, is the movement of air. It occurs at all scales, from local breezes generated by heating of land surfaces and lasting tens of minutes to global winds resulting from solar heating of the Earth, lasting eons. The two major influences on the atmospheric circulation are the differential heating between the equator and the poles, and the rotation of the planet (Coriolis effect). Because of differential heating and the fact that warm air rises and cool air falls, there arise circulations that (on a non-rotating planet) would lead to an equator-to-pole flow in the upper atmosphere and an pole-to-equator flow at lower levels. Because of the Earth’s rotation, this simple situation is vastly modified in the real atmosphere. In almost all circumstances the horizontal component of the wind is much larger than the vertical – the Continue reading