Tag Archives: Persia

Book of the Peacock – 1

Yezidi Scriptures
From Yezidi Truth website, 2011

The Yezidis have two sacred books, the Kitab al-Jilwa, the “Book of Revelation,” written by Sheikh Adi, and the Mishefa Reş, the “Black Book,” which is said by scholars to have been written in the 11th-12th centuries but, claim the Yezidis, has existed since [Ta’us] Melek, the Peacock Angel, first set foot upon Earth.

The Kitab al-Jilwa describes [Ta’us] Melek and his special relationship with the Yezidis and those who worship him in other faiths. The Mishefa Reş delineates the creation of the universe and the Seven Great Angels, as well as the creation of the Yezidis and the laws they must follow.

Please note that these are ancient scriptures and that practices have changed. Many of the outdated customs outlined here are not practiced in the Yezidi communities today.

Kitab al-Jilwa, The Book of Revelation


I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominion over all creatures and over the affairs of all Continue reading

Tau of the Peacock

What is the Peacock Angel?
From Yezidi Truth, 2011

[This text is reproduced for educational purposes only. “Tawsi Melek” has been changed into Ta’us Melek.]

Ta’us Melek, the “Peacock Angel”, is the most import deity of the Yezidis. But he is not just the possession of the Yezidis, he belongs to the entire world. The Yezidis believe that they possess the oldest religion on Earth, the primeval faith that features Ta’us Melek, and that all other traditions are related to them through the Peacock Angel. They contend that Ta’us Melek is the true creator and ruler of the universe, and therefore a part of all religious traditions. He does not, however, always manifest within these diverse traditions as a peacock. Ta’us Melek has taken on many other forms throughout time.

The Yezidis do not believe that the Peacock Angel is the Supreme God. The Supreme God created him as an emanation at the beginning of time. He was brought into manifestation in order to give the invisible, transcendental Supreme God a vehicle with which to create and administer the universe. Continue reading

Avesta Yasna – Chapter 7


1. With a complete and sacred offering [Ashi] I offer and I give this meat-offering, and (with it) Haurvatat (who guards the water), and Ameretatat (who guards the plants and the wood), and the flesh of the Kine of blessed gift1, for the propitiation of Ahura Mazda, and of the Bountiful Immortals (all, and) for the propitiation of Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, endowed with sanctity, who smites with the blow of victory, and who causes the settlements to advance.

[1. Hum 93: “truthfully I offer integrity and immortality and (the flesh of) the munificent cow”; Hum2 98: “as sacrificial repast and food I offer integrity [water], immortality [plants], and the munificent cow [flesh]”.]

2. And I offer the Haoma and Haoma-juice with a complete and sacred offering for the propitiation of the Fravashi of Zarathushtra Spitama the saint, and I offer the wood-billets with the perfume for Thy propitiation, the Fire’s, O Ahura Mazda’s son! Continue reading

Asura of Zarathushtra

Frequently asked questions on Zoroastrianism and the Avesta
From Avesta.org

A brief overview

Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in ancient times by the prophet Zarathushtra, known to the Greeks as Zoroaster.

Zoroastrianism was the dominant world religion during the Persian empires (559 BC to 651 AC), and was thus the most powerful world religion at the time of Jesus. It had a major influence on other religions. It is still practiced world-wide, especially in Iran and India.

To quote Mary Boyce, Continue reading

Ashishin Hashishi Assassins

Fedayins Jumpin Off Alamut FortressThe Order of the Assassins
By Kemal Menemencioglu, 2007

Hasan Sabbah

Hasan Sabbah and his unconditionally obedient assassins, the fedayin, the false paradise and great library of fort Alamut, the instant death dealt by the trust of a dagger to important officials by their seemingly obedient assassin servants have been part of a legend woven throughout the centuries. In this short article, rather than give a detailed historical account of this radical Islamic sect that terrorized the Middle East for decades, as there are already a number of competent books and Internet resources that can well fulfill this task. We will suffice with an evaluation of this order that has left its mark on history.

The word “assassin” is derived from the Arabic “asessen”, Continue reading

Zoro Astrianism


Zoroastrianism (also called Mazdaism and Magianism) is an ancient Iranian religion and a religious philosophy. It was once the state religion of the Achaemenid Empire and Sassanid Empire. Estimates of the number of Zoroastrians worldwide varies from between 145,000 to 2.6 million.

In the eastern part of ancient Persia over a thousand years BCE a religious philosopher called Zoroaster simplified the pantheon of early Iranian gods into two opposing forces: Ahura Mazda (Illuminating Wisdom) and Angra Mainyu (Destructive Spirit) which were in conflict. Continue reading

Stele of Beshr

Curses and Cures: The Magic and Medicine Found on the ...Stele of Bes-Hr

The Metternich Stela is part of the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. It is dated to the supposed thirtieth dynasty [ca 100 BC] and ‘Nechadnebo II’.

The stela belongs to a group of stelae depicting Bes-Hr on the crocodiles. These types of stelae were used to protect the rulers from enemies depicted as dangerous animals such as scorpions and snakes. The Magical Stela is one of the largest and most complete of this kind.

It is claimed that in the reign of ‘Nectanebo II”, a priest named Esatum  traveled to the burial place of the ‘Menevis bulls’. There he noticed certain inscriptions that he thought were interesting and ordered them to be copied onto a large block of stone. Continue reading