Tag Archives: Tehuti

Prophecies of Tehuti

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The Prophecies of Hermes (Tehuti)

Pure philosophy is spiritual striving, through constant contemplation to attain True Knowledge of Atum the One –God. But, speaking now in prophecy, I say that in times to come, no one will pursue philosophy with single-mindedness and purity of heart. Those with a grudging and ungenerous temperament will try and prevent men discovering the priceless gift of immortality. Philosophy [Spirituality] will become confused, making it hard to comprehend. It will be corrupted by spurious speculation. It will be entangled with bewildering sciences like arithmetic, music and geometry.

The student of pure philosophy studies the sciences not as fanciful theories, but as devotion to Atum – because they reveal a universe perfectly ordered by the power of number; because measuring the depth of the sea and forces of fire and magnitude of physical things leads to a reverent awe at the Creator’s skill and wisdom; because the mysteries of music bear witness to the unsurpassed talent of the Supreme Artist who has beautifully harmonized all things into a single Whole, suffused with sweet melodies. Continue reading

More THT


By J. Hill

Tehuti (Thoth, Djehuty, Tahuti, Tetu) was one of the earlier Egyptian gods. He was popular throughout Egypt, but was particularly venerated in Khnum (Hermopolis Magna) where he was worshipped as part of the Ogdoad. As the power of his cult grew, the myth was rewritten to make Tehuti the creator god. According to this variant, Tehuti (with His head in the form of an ibis, one of his sacred animals) laid an egg from which Ra (Atum, Nefertum, or khepri) was born.

Other myths suggest that Tehuti created himself through the power of language (compare the phrase in the Gospel according to St John “in the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”). His song was thought to have created eight deities of the Ogdoad (the gods Nun, Heh, Kuk and Amun and the goddesses Nunet, Hauhet, Kuaket and Amaunet).

The moon and the sun were initially thought of as the left and right eyes of Heru (Horus). Continue reading


Imagine similară

A very well known image of Tehuti, the ibis headed Black man.

Name in Medu Neter


Major spiritual center: Khmun
Symbol: The papyrus scroll
Parents: None, thought to be self created, around the same time as Ma’at
Consort: Ma’at, Seshat

Tehuti (also Djehuti), the lord of Khemmenu, self created, to whom non had given birth, is the Neter responsible for teaching the world to write and record information with the Medu Neter system. From many Funerary texts, it’s known that Tehuti was the Neter of all the arts and sciences, that he was the “lord of books,” and the “scribe of the Neteru”, and “Mighty in speech”.

Early information

From the Pyramid Texts it’s known that Tehuti was in service to deceased kings. His service was eagerly awaited by the by the souls waiting to join the realm of the Ancestors. People waited for him because it was with him that Ma’at weighed their heart against their past actions. Continue reading

Seven Scorpions

ScorpioSeven Scorpions

“Now Auset had to begin her search once more. This time she had helpers, for Nebthet left her wicked husband Set and came to join her sister. And Anpu, the son of Ausar and Nebthet, taking the form of a jackal, assisted in the search. When Auset traveled over the land she was accompanied and guarded by seven scorpions.” See here.

The story
By J. Hill (2010)

After the murder of Ausar, Auset tried to hide from Set, but he found her and imprisoned her in a spinning-mill and left her to weave her husband´s funeral linen. Tehuti realised that Auset would be in danger if Set realised she was pregnant and came to her aid. He freed Auset from the mill and advised her to go into hiding in the marshes with seven scorpions named Continue reading

The Books of Tehuti

Tehuti and SeshatTehuti and The Book of Thoth

[Original text: Thoth and The Book of Thoth – The Myths behind the Legend]

Tehuti was the principal deity of the city of Khemnu/Kemenu, which the Greek called Hermopolis (the City of Hermes). According to Kemet legend, the temple of Khemnu housed fragments of the cosmic egg that Thoth himself as the divine Ibis, had hatched on the Island of creation, from the egg the first Sun had risen.

Tehuti brought the idea of creation into existence by uttering the thoughts of the creator; Ptah then put those spoken words into effect. Tehuti was deemed the mind behind cosmic order, the architect of the universe. Tehuti’s association with the creation myth also extends to the divine birth of the pharaohs themselves. Tehuti was said to lead Amun, the king of gods, to the bedchamber of the waiting queen.

Ra was said to have appointed Tehuti ‘scribe of the Ennead’ before he retreated from the Earth knowing that Tehuti ’s wisdom would allow him to serve as humanities teacher and guardian. Continue reading

Metu Neter – 2. Tehuti

Tehuti 2Law of Tehuti: 

When all of your thoughts, feelings, and actions reflect the Word of God, then the power of God’s spirit and a peace that nothing can challenge will flow through your being.


If we can intuit the Word of God by cultivating our ability to be at peace in situations of challenge, why give in to anger, fear, lust, etc.? If we have access to the Word of God (wisdom) which is superior to our own minds, why rely [only] on our [own] minds?


Avoiding and resolving conflicts is one of the chief functions of Tehuti, the faculty of wisdom. Continue reading

KMT – Tehuti (2)

Tehuti HieroglyphTehuti

TEHUTI – THOTH (- HERMES): god of scribes, science, magic, time medicine, reckoning, cults, wisdom and the peace of the gods. The companion of MA’AT.

The meaning of Tehuti’s name (“DHwtii” or “Djehuti”), represented by the hieroglyph of the Ibis, is unknown. European Egyptologists propose “he of Djehout” (an unknown location), “he of the castle of speech”, “he who speaks in the temple”, “he who selects”, “he who chooses”. He has an accumulation of titular names.

Egyptologist Hopfner (1914) thinks that “DHw” could have been the oldest name of the Ibis, implying that Tehuti would mean “he who has the nature of the Ibis”. This bird appeared perched on a standard on slate palettes of the Terminal Predynastic Period. The sacred Ibis had a long curved beak, suggestive of the crescent New Moon, and black & white feathering reminiscent of the Lunar phases of waxing & waning. In the Old Kingdom, the association between the Ibis and Tehuti had already been made, for in the afterlife, the wings of Tehuti carried Pharaoh over the celestial river. Continue reading

First Rock From the Sun

Mercury Missing DataMercury

Mercury is the smallest and closest to the Sun of the eight planets in the Solar System, with an orbital period of about 88 Earth days. Seen from the Earth, it appears to move around its orbit in about 116 days, which is much faster than any other planet. This rapid motion may have led to it being named after the Roman deity Mercury, the fast-flying messenger to the gods.

Since Mercury has almost no atmosphere to retain heat, Mercury’s surface experiences the greatest temperature variation of all the planets, ranging from 100 K (−173 °C; −280 °F) at night to 700 K (427 °C; 800 °F) during the day. Mercury’s surface is heavily cratered and similar in appearance to Earth’s Moon, indicating that it has been geologically inactive for billions of years.

Mercury’s period of revolution around the Sun is 88 days. It therefore makes about 4.15 revolutions around the Sun in one Earth-year. Continue reading

Tree of Thoth

Tehuti the ScribeThe 9 Axioms of Tehuti
From the book, Ancient Future, by Wayne Chandler

Tehuti, known to the Greeks as Hermes/Thoth, became a principle Law-giver of KMT. His axioms provided [mankind] with a comprehensive analysis of the nature of creation and the universe. While meditating the following principles were given to him by the Source:

1. The Principle of Mentalism: THE ALL is mind; The Universe is mental.

2. The Principle of Correspondence : As above, so below ; as below, so above.

3. The Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.

4. The Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has it’s pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites Are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. Continue reading