Metu Neter – 10. Law of Geb

GebLaw of Geb

Know that from heaven you came and to heaven you will return, seek not enduring works on earth.

Reasoning: Our physical nature is totally amenable to reprogramming. Since we have the laws and faculties to do so, why not dedicate the use of our will to program desirable ends in our lives—peace, happiness, health and prosperity?

METU NETER Vol. 1, Pg. 235

It has just begun to dawn […] on Western scientists that the manner in which the earth maintains the equilibrium in the fluxes, and utilization of water, heat, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and the myriad of substances necessary to maintain life, resembles so much the picture of the homeostatic functions in living creatures, that the science of geology is best redefined as physiology, and the earth looked at as a living entity.

[Our] African ancestors [considered] the earth to be alive, they noted that it played a major role in man’s spiritual development. As Seb, the divine goose, the earth God broods upon the egg within which man’s earthly experiences unfold. I.e., our earthly life is the embryonic stage of our spiritual development.

The earthly demands, rewards [carrot on the stick!], and pressures of existence prod us toward the awakening of our spiritual talents and powers. Recall what was said about our mortality and vulnerability in the discussion of Seker. In this role as divine oxgoad, Geb is called the Erpau of the Gods. That is, it has inherited the role of the [NTRW] as the initiator of man’s spiritual evolution. This is important as most people think of the earth in terms of its imprisonment of man’s consciousness, without considering the fact that at the same time it provides the stimulus for escaping it.

According to the Pert em Hru (The Book of the Dead), the righteous were provided with words of power that allowed them to escape the earth, while the wicked (materialists) were held fast by Seb. It must be noted that inherent in the function of the earth as the imprisoner of consciousness, and oxgoad toward spiritual development, is its role as verifier of spiritual development.

A proof of spiritual development is the ability to rise above the emotional and sensual influences, which after all, are expressions of the animal (earthly) part of being; the ability to learn independently of externals, i.e., from within; the ability to control, or influence earthly events (in our bodies and environment) through the power of our life-force at the command of our will.

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